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The Seventh-Day Resource Centre

Club Recipes - Desserts

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Chia Pudding

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1 c Chia (White or Black)
3¾ c soymilk
1 T maple syrup
2 t vanilla extract



  1. First, put 1 cup of Chia and a little bit of soymilk in a bowl.

  2. Stir constantly. When it is thick, add a little more milk.

  3. Let it sit for about 2-3 minutes then stir again. Do not let it go lumpy.

  4. Do this process until you have finished the milk.

  5. Add the 1T. maple syrup and the 2 t vanilla extract.

  6. Mix.

  7. Then add the Blueberry Topping and stir.

  8. When you’ve finished, spread the Pear Cream on top.



Pear Cream Topping


1 tin of pear slices in fruit juice (820 grams)
1 c cashews
1T maple syrup
1 t vanilla extract



  1. Blend the first two ingredients together until smooth.
  2. Add the 1T. maple syrup and 1t of vanilla.
  3. Blend again. Reserve 1/3 of the cream.



Blueberry Topping

Take the remaining 2/3 of the Pear Cream and add ¼ c. of blueberries and blend again.






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