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The Seventh-Day Resource Centre

Club Recipes - Savoury

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Tofu Quiche


Tofu Quiche


  • Preparation time:
  • Cooking time:
  • Serves: 6-8




Sauté in a small amount of water:

½ cup green Capsicum, diced
1 cup Carrots, diced
1 cup Onions, chopped


Blend in blender until smooth:

1 cup Water
1 cup Cashews, raw
300gm firm Tofu
2 Tbs. Cornflour
2 Tbs. Yeast Flakes
1 ½ tsp. Celtic Sea Salt
1 tsp. Garlic powder or 2 cloves crushed Garlic
1 tsp. Basil



  1. Add creamy mixture to vegetables and pour into pre-baked Easy Pie Crust or pour into a baking dish lined with baking paper.

  2. Bake at 180 0 C for 45 minutes.

  3. Decorate with slices of tomatoes.


** Variations: Use corn, spinach, or asparagus, etc.





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